7 Steps to Simplify Your Life

For next few minutes reflect on the following questions.

If answer to the last question is yes, then it’s good news!! (?)

Good news, because if it my creation then I can reverse the process.

I can simplify my life.

With so many choices and decisions, so many demands from people and events,

in our modern fast changing world, it seems a real challenge to ‘keep it simple’.

Making it simple means making things easy and clear.

It is in our hands (heads) to make our life simple.

There are seven easy steps to make your life simple.

Step 1: Capitalize on the Morning Walk & Visualize Your Day

Let your walk be a mindful exercise. Visualize your day during walk. See important tasks to be done. See yourself doing the things. See your psychological make-up while doing all the things. Focus on the inner strength you need during the day. Fill yourself with it. Get ready for the day! 

Step 2: Follow ‘First Thing First’ Principle

Since you have fixed amount of ‘Time & Energy’ during the day. Allocate your resources according to priority. Reflect upon your priorities. Check, if there are false or pseudo-priorities. See the big-picture of your life and see how this particular day fits in with overall life.

Step 3: Declutter Your Living & Work Space

Look for the things which don’t require around you. Remove them or give to the needy ones. Clean space facilitates clear thinking. Declutter a particular section or corner each day so that it becomes a habit or an integral part of your lifestyle.

Step 4: Distance from Digital Distractions

Unknowingly our precious time is stolen by ‘Digital Distractions’. Keep your mob net and desktop notifications off during work. Uninstall unnecessary apps. Quit unnecessary social media groups. Use the ‘free’ time to learn something new. Develop reading habit instead. It works!

Step 5: Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism is an approach to life in which you prefer quality over quantity. Have a fewer quality relations, quality stuff is better than having more quantity of lesser quality. In this way, you’ll able to give enough time to what is really required. Your new slogan is ‘Less is More’!

Step 6: Write Journal/Diary before Sleep

Journaling is not just a mechanical task of writing, rather it is a cognitive exercise which helps you organize your mental resources. It helps to see things in better light. It eases cognitive burden and facilitates faster decision making.

Step 7: Help Others to Simplify Their Lives

It’s a divine act to help others elevate their lives. When we rise above our own limited identity, we naturally tend to simplify everything around us. In fact, by helping others, we help ourselves only. It helps you develop virtues of empathy, understanding, acceptance, inclusiveness and compassion.

One thought at a time.
At your own pace. In your own space.
A simple life is a joyful life.

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